Film Commentary Archive

Dark Times in Darkened Theatres

Ali Kayn says: It is difficult to come up with a new idea, or a new twist on an old idea. Alfred Hitchcock once said the drama is life with the dull bits cut out. So now here we are presented with soap operas and action films which present life without dull bits. No wonder the audience is filled with avarice and dissatisfaction. (Click here for more...)

Things I Hate About The Movies

Terry Frost says: Ever since my mother dragged me into Sydney to see Rock Hudson-Doris Day movies when I was exceedingly young, I've liked the cinema. To an extent, the history of my movie-going is the history of me. (Click here for more...)

Saving Private Spielberg

Luke Buckmaster writes: With any luck, this film (Saving Private Ryan) will strengthen the notion that mainstream cinema can still produce its fair share of masterpieces, and that movie-goers do not necessarily have to resort to watching Indie or art house films for a good amount of substance. (Click here for more...)

Designing Eyes

Nicky Jenkins admits: It's probably not a good thing, I've often seen a film purely for the production design. It's a weakness of mine but unfortunately, there are many bad films that look gorgeous. I will sit through a lot for a nice frock or apartment. (Click here for more...)

Reality Bites

Ali Kayn rants: ... one of the nastiest sentences in the English (read also, cinematic) language, ... is "Based on a true story". Okay. For those of you who don't know, or haven't thought about it, here is the scoop: ALL films are based on a true story, that is, real life. Now, I'm not saying that if you look around hard enough you'll find everyone from Rhett Butler to Hans Solo, but what I am saying is that all life is grist to the mill. (Click here for more...)

Science Fiction Film:
The Interesting Old Stuff

Terry Frost writes: The Sixties were a groovy time in which to watch SF on television. Late on Friday or Saturday nights, all the best 1950s and early '60s horror and SF films would have the dust blown off their cans and Deadly Earnest would come out and do an intro for the flick.
(Click here for more...)

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